Xenia Miscouridou

Assistant Professor in Stats & Machine Learning @ Imperial, Forbes 30U30 Europe and A. Professor @I-X, Imperial's flagship AI initiative

Xenia Miscouridou is a lecturer at Imperial College London within the Department of Mathematics and the I-X institute whose mission is to drive innovation in cross-disciplinary research in artificial intelligence, machine learning and digital technologies. Xenia obtained her PhD from the University of Oxford during which she held research visits and appointments with NYU, the Alan Turing Institute in London and the Data Science team at Google. Her research covers both areas of Statistics and Machine Learning mostly focusing on the development of methodology which she often uses to answer impactful questions in social science, network science and public health.

Xenia was recently listed as one of the Forbes 30 under 30 in Europe in the sector of Science and Healthcare.

She is passionate to promote and make a difference to the culture of the global statistical and machine learning community. She was the President of the early career section of the International Society of Bayesian Analysis, where she was leading the initiatives in promoting early career researchers in their next steps, through the organisation of mentoring events, seminars and the establishment of a new award for young researchers in Statistics. She has also been actively involved in several organisations worldwide for women in Data Science and Machine Learning, in order to give visibility to their achievements, support and encourage women in studying and working in the field.