Vasilis Vassalos

Director of AI @ AISERA

Vasilis Vassalos is a Director of AI in AISERA since 2021, where he leads the Knowledge Generation and Advanced Conversational AI group that he built in Greece. Before AISERA he was interim CTO of PIPA Corp, an AI company out of Davis, CA working to revolutionize innovation in nutrition using Machine Learning and a proprietary Knowledge Graph. Before that he was Chief Data Scientist responsible for both AI and Analytics for Veilt, a Greece-based multinational company offering AI-driven Marketing Technology and VAR solutions to the telecom industry.

Between 2016-2018 he was the founding VP of Data Science at Workable, a SAAS Application Tracking System company. In the beginning of the century he was a co-founder of the pioneering software company Enosys Software, which was acquired by BEA Systems in 2003. He is a Professor of Computer Science for 25 years, first at NYU Stern School of Business and then at Athens University of Economics and Business. He is the author of over 65 papers with thousands of citations, 2 US patents and three encyclopedia articles. He received a Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, and his MS and PhD in Computer Science from Stanford University, where he was advised by Jeff Ullman.